Saturday, March 25, 2006

Filosofi Kopi is overrated

Curious of media's promotion of Dee's new product, Filosofi Kopi (Coffee Philosophy), I bought one.

And I think it's overrated. I don't know why Goenawan Mohamad calls it wit. Another heavyweight, Arswendo Atmowiloto even dares to relate this piece to Nobel.

To save your time, I'd tell you, this book has nothing to do with coffee nor philosophy.

Anna told me: "I thought you disliked Supernova and you hated Akar (these are Dee's previous books), why do you read this?". I guess she has a point.


Rizal said...

so you don't like supernova --and brokeback. well i can now read the line :-) p/s: may i borrow the book?

Aco said...

No, I'm not homophobic, Zal, if that's what you mean :-) Do I sound like that?

Anonymous said...

Uhm, good that I bumped into this blog, I almost waste another rupiah for a not-so-coffee-philosophy-book which I should spend on real coffee instead.
Is it because she is who she is now that she got overrated ?

Aco said...

probably, silverlines :-)

Anonymous said...

hehehe.. gak begitu setuju..

cobak aja bandingin cara penulisan Dee dengan penulis wanita laen deh.. (e.g Fira Basuki)..
terasa kelas yang berbeda..