Friday, February 03, 2006

Easy Silly way to make money

A man is suing iPod's Apple, claiming that the product "can cause hearing loss from prolonged use". Instead of reminding this guy that on his iPod package he should find an explicit warning that reads "this product can cause hearing loss", I have some ideas to help him make even more money:
  • Sue Gillette, its razor can cause bleeding on your chin
  • Sue BMW, its Z5 can cause accident when you drive too fast
  • Sue Nokia, its handsfree can make you look dumb
  • Sue Phillip Morris, its Marlboro can cause cancer -- as it admits
  • Sue Coca Cola, its strawberry soda can make you puke
  • Sue Starbucks, its coffee can make you addicted
  • Sue CafĂ© Salemba, its postings are nonsense
Any more ideas? Let the man know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sue Durex as it can stop someonefrom getting a child they might want ..