Thursday, February 23, 2006

What T-Shirt?

How about that? Order here for $18

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Brokeback Mountain Sucks! Memoirs Rocks!

OK, we admit we also buy illegal stuff. Last weekend, we happened to stop by at Ambassador and before we knew it, we paid supercheap for Brokeback Mountain, Memoirs of a Geisha, and King Kong dvds. (Well, there were more, but let's not list them all here -- we don't want to sound so cheap).

Memoirs is excellent. Well, I expected the rising Ziyi to shine the most. In fact it is Gong Li who should have been praised more. Yeoh is so-so. The entire scenes are beautiful. If there's one that we regret, it is the Hollywood sausage: how Rob Marshall pictures the love dynamics between Sayuri and the "Chairman". It's kind of corny.

As for Brokeback Mountain. Our recommendation? Avoid this. It's nothing but a parade of Marlboro ads with two dudes kissing each other! And, eeww, with those cowboy hats and country music...

King Kong, later.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Dressed for success

Does your appearance matter to your spouse? I don't think it should. Anna thinks it does.

So off we went to gym. As usual, I was in what I call my sport apparel: wrinkled T-shirt, jogging pants, and (tennis) sneakers. It turned out, the morning was colder than the days before. We were in the car, halfway from home -- not a good idea to come back for my sweatwear. Without thinking, I just grabbed my business jacket. But...

"What are you doing?" Anna was hysterical, to my surprise. "You can't go to a gym with that thing," she was pointing on my beloved dark jacket (it's cheap, by the way). So, rather than arguing (she was using the tone I instantly recognized as meaning: Don't try to argue), I slowly put the jacket back on the seat...

Now the best part. We were walking to the locker rooms after exercising. Anna realized she left her (business) shoes in the car. "Shoot, I forgot to put my shoes in my exercise bag. I only took the suit". And I gave her yet another wrong response: "Calm down. Why do you need your shoes? You have your sneakers now, no?". She stared at me, "What? A formal (she put a stress on this word) business (on this, too) attire, with ... sneakers (she went: "sneeee-kers" with even more emphasis on it)? Are you out of your mind?".

Was I out of my mind?

All I remember was, one day three years back, I invited a prominent economist to give a talk in my campus. He flew all the way from Washington D.C. to Champaign, Illinois. I picked him up at the airport. He was in a dark business suit with a pair of ... jogging sneakers. And they were white!

Economists should take another course :-)

Friday, February 03, 2006

Easy Silly way to make money

A man is suing iPod's Apple, claiming that the product "can cause hearing loss from prolonged use". Instead of reminding this guy that on his iPod package he should find an explicit warning that reads "this product can cause hearing loss", I have some ideas to help him make even more money:
  • Sue Gillette, its razor can cause bleeding on your chin
  • Sue BMW, its Z5 can cause accident when you drive too fast
  • Sue Nokia, its handsfree can make you look dumb
  • Sue Phillip Morris, its Marlboro can cause cancer -- as it admits
  • Sue Coca Cola, its strawberry soda can make you puke
  • Sue Starbucks, its coffee can make you addicted
  • Sue CafĂ© Salemba, its postings are nonsense
Any more ideas? Let the man know.