Thursday, January 08, 2009

Alfie's strict preference

"Alfie, what's your plan this weekend"
"You tell me, Papa. You're the one who drives"
"OK, pick one: golf or car?"
"Golf or swim?"
"Car or swim?"
"Ugh... Golf, Papa!"

Note: 'Golf' refers to that Putt-Putt minigolf at Senayan. You pay Rp 20,000 and you get one ball and a little stick. Then you can tell your kid to play as long as he or she likes. The trick is, avoid the last hole (that hole will take the ball back to the store, and you need to pay again to have another round). "Car" means the minicars in Timezone and the likes. "Swim" is, well, swimming.

1 comment:

Jasper12.01u said...

wah Pak, saya baru tau ada triknya. lain kali akan dicoba.