Sunday, May 28, 2006

Signalling on the road

Do you notice bumper stickers? I do. Not only bumper stickers. But also other "signalling instruments" in/on cars. Sometimes they are entertaining. Some examples:

A name of some top university abroad = I went abroad and I have brain.
A name of god-knows-where university abroad = I went abroad and I didn't even need a brain.
A name of domestic, state university = I was on subsidy.
A name of domestic, private university = My parents are rich. Call me.
"Baby on board" sign = Don't rear-end my car, I have baby. Go rear-end others.
A Harley Davidson sticker = I'm a biker, I'm cool.
A military or police badge/insignia = Stay away, me first. (Or: Hey, we're family, don't stop me).
Red-numbered license plate = Who needs licence and traffic rules?
Yellow-numbered license plate = Who needs traffic rules?
B 1 XX = Try me, Idiot!
"My other car is YYY" sticker = I'm cheap bastard.



Rizal said...

buddy, hey, send this to cafe --on economics of information--.This is hilarious :-)

Anonymous said...

oh god, it's not economics of information. it's just a (sorry) b*t*hy guy who hates stickers and watch CSI..


Unknown said...

you miss you on the religious affiliations. they're very trendy too.

Aco said...

right, treespotter. some of 'em signal this: "i'm holier than you -- step aside".